Belmont Community
Daycare Center
Flow of the Day
Greeting, Sign-In, Journal, Free Play, Drawing
Teachers meet children and parents and exchange greetings
Children recognize and write their names
Children work with puzzles and games
Children express themselves through drawings
Children draw and write in their journals about an assortment of topics
Breakfasts (AM Snack)
Children are responsible for serving and scraping themselves
Circle Time (Calendar, Weather, Songs, Poems, Oral Language Development)
Teacher-child interactive discussion
Today’s plan of action and events
Review day to day matters
Oral Language Development activities
Introduction to new topics
Children will have time for self-expression
Gross Motor Development
Children have scheduled visits to the roof play area, the garden play area, the local park and the big playroom.
Children engage in both indoor/outdoor activities
Children jump, run, ride tricycles, swing, play ball.
Children have a choice of directed group activities or free play.
Choice Time (Learning Centers)
Children are actively engaged in learning center activities.
The centers consist of Blocks, Dramatic Play, Math, Manipulative, Table Toys, Puzzles,
Sand and Water Play, Library, Listening Center, Art, Painting Wood Working, Science,
Computers, Felt Board.
The teachers, facilitating children’s involvement provides a balance of
Open-ended, child initiated opportunities, along side teacher-directed
Activities focused on projects of inquiry or theme-based activities for
Small groups of children.
Teacher interaction and observation
Hands-on activities are also planned in small groups.
A 5-10 Minute clean up is built into this time.
Story Time
Teacher chooses one of a select approved group of titles to read to the children daily
Music and Movement and Gross Motor Activities
At this time children engage in dance, exercise, yoga, games and other
Gross motor activities.
Children learn new songs and get to work those large motor skills.
Integrated Sparks Program
Interactive Story Time
Following the teachers reading, the children select an emergent storybook
Title and read either alone, with a partner or with a small group.
In small groups children share stories that their parents have read to them at home.
Instructional Meal (Lunch Time)
Children and teacher eat a nutritious meal family style.
Children are responsible for setting, sewing and scrapping their dishes
Recall Time
Teachers and children come together in the meeting area to discuss what will happen tomorrow.
This is also a time to sing favorite songs and act out favorite finger plays
Children are encouraged to select a book to take home
Children dress themselves and say goodbye to their classmates and teachers
Interactive small group activities
Children break into small groups and participate in an assortment of interactive
Interactive Small group activities: Science experiments/Documentations. Games,
Math Manipulative, Story Telling, Story Reenactment, Cooking, Neighborhood, Walks or Visits.
Nap Time
Children rest comfortably with their own sheets and blankets on individual cots
Soft music is played to help the children to relax and rest
Comfort devices such as teddy bears and blankets are welcome
Instructional Meal (Supper Time)
Children and teacher eat a nutritious meal family style.
Children are responsible for setting, sewing and scrapping their dishes
Choice Time II /Sensory Interaction/Library Time
Children chose centers (See above)
Children visit Sensory Areas Located throughout the building where they are able to paint, create, work of arts and crafts and woodworking activities, engage in Sand and water Play; make use of a light table
Children will have this time to look through the library and select any book they are interested in.
Children will use the skills they learn through mini-lessons during circle time on book handling and usage.
The Educational Assistant can read to small groups at this time.
Gross Motor Development
Children have scheduled visits to the roof play area, the garden play area, the local park and the big playroom.
Children engage in both indoor/outdoor activities
Children jump, run, ride tricycles, swing, play ball.
Children have a choice of directed group activities or free play.
Story Time
Read aloud and /or shared reading with interactive discussion
Read Aloud Dramatization
Teachers will supply children with another read aloud.
Teachers will provide this opportunity through puppets, flannel board,
masks and costumes for the children to dramatize these stories.
Children will act out and learn songs
Children will learn about poetry and learn to act it out as well.